Album: Old Fashioned

Billy the Fridge

4.206 out of 5 Ice Creams

Highlights: “Jokes on You,” “Seattle Love Story,” “Workaholic,” “Gangster Dick,”

Disclaimer: If you are all about wholesome uplifting rap with positive lyrics stick to Humble Beast, this is not the album for you.

Hard-hitting production from the likes of Jake One and guest appearances by Grynch and Andy Milonakis are just a few of the ingredients that make “Old Fashioned” an all-you-can-eat buffet of sick beats and filthy rhymes.

Larger than life character Billy the Fridge dominates the sound scape with clever lines like “She’s got grizzly titties, I’m talkin’ bare breasts…” While the real bulk of Old Fashioned weighs heavily on shock value, BTF definitely goes hard “in the taint” on tracks like ‘Gangster Dick’ which showcases some serious skill that’s sure to do right by the heads up on Capitol Hill.

For extra credit, I made the mistake of searching ‘Billy The Fridge’ on YouTube, as I am sure many of you will do, and was met with a host of depraved characters including a projectile vomiting pro-wrestler that had me simultaneously grossed out and laughing my ass off. Do it!