I’ve probably thrown more bad events than anyone I know. The amount of money and time I’ve lost throwing bad events is something I don’t like to think about, although I’ve learned a lot through all of my failures.

Here’s a quick list of some of the things I’ve learned:

Keep your lineup small

Most people don’t want to go to a local hip hop festival on a Friday night; seeing the names of eight rappers who they’ve never heard of on a bill is unattractive. A room full of people standing around to see their friends perform, and then leaving after they’re finished, is not as much fun as it sounds. I know that there are times that the formula works, but your entire city doesn’t need to be on every bill.

If you are putting someone on the bill because you are hoping they will bring 10 friends, think of something else you can do to get 10 more people in the door.

Hire a good photographer and let people know where to get their pictures

Parties usually promote something – an album, an online magazine, an artist, etc. (Sometimes they just promote more parties.)

So, get a photographer at your party, and give people something to look for in the morning. We love having new pictures to put up on our social media pages. Find a way to include your brand in the greatness of the photo, and people will be excited about sharing the connection they’ve made..

(If you’d like a photographer, I’ve still not see a better company to work with than DaBooth.org. They take great photos and add an exciting element to the party.)

Find a formula that works and steal it

I found a lot of success stealing Leigh Feldman’s formula: one band, one emcee, a DJ, and free booze for people who get there early. (Thanks, Leigh!)

Get sponsors

Find a way to cover your expenses before the party starts. Give sponsors a good price and show them a good time. I’ve generally found success with package deals. Instead of trying to get people to pay to have their logo on the flyer, give them a booth, bottle of champagne, and free tickets for them and their friends. You will be able to charge more for the sponsorship and are guaranteed they’ll be there with their friends, and they’ll be able to brag to their friends they have a VIP table set up for the night.