400,000,000 YouTube views don’t lie. Korean artist PSY has dominated the internet with the video for Gangnam Style. I have watched the video at least 10 times in the last three days, and I generally hate pop culture.

This video is great though. Here is a list of 10 things from the video that you should steal.

1. Hot Asian girls

This should be a no brainer. Hot Asian girls should be in every video.

Every video.

2. Dancing kids

People love dancing kids! Not just random little kids dancing around like idiots who forgot to take their morning pills, but little kids who are actually great at dancing and look like they are taking what they are doing seriously.

3. Explosions

Explosions, random and unexpected explosions preferred.

The bigger the explosion the better. (That’s what she said.)

4. Dance battles

Why are there no dance battles in NW hip hop videos?

Every video with a dance battle in it is better because of it.

The next time you make a video, find two people, make them dance battle, and film it.

5. A shirtless fat man

This is not pleasant to look at, but shirtless fat men have a way of throwing things off balance.

“Wait…what? Why does that guy have his shirt off? I need to see what is going to happen next.”

6. Dance choreography

I swear there is a dance teacher out there ready to put together a simple dance routine together for you for free. Get 10 people to learn it, and add it to the middle and end of your video.

7. An elevator scene

Open the elevator, show something random going on, and then close it.

It’s best not to over think this one.

8. Horses

OMG! Horses are ballin’ fam!

Seriously put about a dozen horses in your next video and see if your YouTube numbers don’t triple.

9. Cartoon elements

Imagine how cool you would look as a cartoon. Put a quick cartoon at the beginning and end of your video. Everyone who has a cartoon version of themselves is amazing – Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Bo Jackson, etc.

10. LINKS!

Do you see how many links he has under the video?

Getting people to your video is NOT the goal! The goal is to get their money. Don’t forget it.